Monday, January 4, 2010

A Happy New Year for Adoptable Horses

One of the many equine causes that I hold close to my heart is that of the adoptable Thoroughbred. Off track TBs, once properly rehabilitated, can go on to have illustrious competitive careers in other disciplines, or simply become cherished riding horses and equine family members. There are a wide variety of non-profit entities across the country that raise the funds to care for and retrain to these horses, and continue to work tirelessly even in today's economy to provide them aftercare and a new lease on life.

One of the most influential, with a nationwide reach, is the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation based in Saratoga Springs, NY. TRF runs rehabilitation centers all over the country, and many of them utilize correctional facility inmates in the retraining process, providing a dual benefit to both horse and human communities. I currently volunteer with this organization and support their marketing and fundraising endeavors whenever I can be of service. It was with particular interest, therefore that I read that TRF founder Monique Koehler will be awarded with a Special Eclipse Award on January 18th to recognize her devotion to the rehabilitation and adoption of ex-racehorses. Congratulations to Monique and TRF for 28 years of advocating for retired TBs.

On a similar note, the Thoroughbred Placement and Rescue organization, based in Marlboro, MD, reported to that it successfully secured placement for 123 off-track TBs in 2009. That's 123 horses that will be starting this new year on the right hoof. TPR, and a variety of other facilities, use the free horse adoption placement service provided by to help with its efforts. 2009 was such tumultuous year for most Americans, and for the American TB industry, that it is inspiring to hear news that these horses will entering 2010 with a bright future ahead of them.

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